We’ve started a new provision for 4 to 6 years called Squirrels, helping young people gain skills for life at a time when it matters most and where it’s most needed (find out more about Squirrels.

Beavers is for children aged 6 to 8 years. Joining is just the beginning of your big adventure, try new things and make new friends (find out more about Beavers).

Cubs is for children aged 8 to 10½ years. When you join Cubs you’ll be introduced to lots of new activities, people and things. Here’s everything you need to know (find out more about Cubs).

Scouts is for children aged 10½ to 14 years. Jump in and get muddy. Give back and get set. Scouts ignore the butterflies and go for it, and soon so will you (find out more about Scouts).
If you would like to find out more about when 1st Clevedon Scouts run any of our different groups/sessions, and/or how to register your interest/join our waiting list, please click on the following link which will take you to our google form: